Meditation Weekend in Portsmouth

1 May 2019
Ready to stop worrying and start feeling happy? Willing to create positive changes in your life?

Join us and spend a relaxing weekend, 29th to 30th of June, learning how to deal with ‘mental viruses’ that can trigger stress and stress-related disorders and how to boost Mental Focus and Productivity using Meditation & Mindfulness.

This is an interactive 2-hour workshop with a Buddhist monk from Thailand that includes theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical part includes information about meditation techniques + lecture on the following topics:

On 29.06.2019:
  • experience a step-by-step guided meditation with a monk
  • learn techniques on how to calm your mind and reduce anxiety and stress
  • learn how to improve your emotional and physical Well-Being
  • take a chance to Googling (ask any questions) with a monk for your life solution
On 30.06.2019:
  • experience a step-by-step guided meditation with a monk
  • learn how to balance expectations and career goals while also living
Monday Meditation with Monk Daniel